Need Some Time by Donnie Bugden
Need Some Time by Donnie Bugden

Need Some Time by Donnie Bugden

Need Some Time by Donnie Bugden (performing as Ok Enough): A Raw and Real Journey Through Adversity

Donnie Bugden, performing as Ok Enough, presents “Need Some Time,” a lo-fi indie masterpiece recorded at his Brooklyn studio during The Bumble Hawk Sessions. This solo singer-songwriter album is an intimate exploration of Donnie’s struggles with the depressive side of his schizoaffective disorder, capturing a deeply personal and challenging period of his life.

The album emerged from a time when Donnie had recently left graduate school at Parsons, where he had been awarded a full Dean’s Scholarship to earn a master’s degree in Design and Technology. Despite his international success as an artist, known for his physical installations with a synthetic style approach, Donnie’s battle with mania, depression, and delusional thinking due to his schizoaffective disorder remained largely unnoticed by the prestigious Parsons School of Design.

“Need Some Time” is a raw, improvisational journey through Donnie’s experiences with bipolar disorder. Recorded live in single takes over the course of a few days, each song captures the immediacy and emotional depth of his thoughts and feelings as they came to him. The authenticity of this approach resonates deeply, making the album a powerful and moving listening experience.

Receiving great acclaim, “Need Some Time” continues to be a favorite on college radio stations, particularly Princeton Radio. The album’s honest portrayal of mental health struggles and the search for stability has touched many listeners, providing solace and understanding.

Today, Donnie is no longer torn apart by his CPTSD and schizoaffective disorder. Thanks to appropriate medications and therapy, he has made a full recovery. Recently diagnosed with autism, Donnie has gained deeper insight into who he is, learning to manage his condition and embrace his identity.

“Need Some Time” stands as a testament to Donnie Bugden’s resilience and artistic brilliance. It’s an album that not only chronicles a difficult journey but also offers hope and inspiration to those facing similar challenges. Experience the raw, unfiltered emotion of “Need Some Time” and let it guide you through the highs and lows of the human experience.

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