Retrograde by Donnie Bugden
Retrograde by Donnie Bugden

Retrograde by Donnie Bugden

Retrograde by Donnie Bugden


Donnie Bugden’s latest album, “Retrograde,” available on Bandcamp, is a groundbreaking piece of experimental electronic dance music that blends trance beats with a rich tapestry of historical samples. This live DJing album is a sonic narrative of self-acceptance and self-esteem struggles, drawing influences from cultural icons like Son House, Marilyn Monroe, Jack Kerouac, and other 60s Beat writers. Musically, it pays homage to the innovative styles of Moby and Radiohead, creating a unique and immersive listening experience.

Standout Tracks:

  1. To Meet the Lord in Air”: A haunting tribute to Marilyn Monroe, this track layers delicate piano loops with ethereal vocals, capturing both her public allure and private struggles. The transition from dreamy melodies to upbeat rhythms symbolizes Monroe’s dual existence, making for a deeply emotional and evocative piece.
  2. Son House vs. Bukowski”: Inspired by Son House, this track blends traditional blues elements with modern electronic beats. The raw, soulful samples of House’s voice interwoven with pulsating rhythms create a powerful juxtaposition of old and new, reflecting the enduring impact of blues on contemporary music.

The album gained unexpected recognition when it was featured in an NBA game shortly after its release. Although Donnie Bugden was not credited, he expressed his honor at having his electronic work acknowledged outside his usual indie rock and indie folk blues circles. This speaks volumes about the versatility and appeal of “Retrograde.”

One of the most impressive aspects of “Retrograde” is its live recording process. Bugden used Ableton Live, a Launchpad, and a drum machine to create many of the tracks during performances. This method brings an authentic, raw energy to the album, highlighting Bugden’s skill and dedication as an artist. The painstaking effort to build these tracks is evident in the rich, layered soundscapes that transport listeners through various emotional and historical narratives.

“Retrograde” is available for free download and preview on Bandcamp, allowing users to incorporate its tracks into their projects. Bugden encourages those who use his music to reach out through his website, as he is eager to collaborate on film scores and other electronic productions.

In summary, Donnie Bugden’s “Retrograde” is a masterful blend of trance and storytelling, showcasing his ability to merge historical samples with contemporary electronic music. This album stands out as a testament to his years of experimentation with Ableton Live and his talent for creating rapid, yet deeply resonant, musical productions. “Retrograde” is not only a listening experience but an invitation to explore the intersection of music, history, and personal growth.

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